September 15 we celebrate a feast of Mary under the title "Our Lady of Sorrows."
This title of Our Lady comes from a devotion to the deep suffering she endured in her earthly life. Often this is depicted in art with seven swords piercing her Immaculate Heart. The idea of swords piercing her heart comes from the prophecy given her on the day she presented Jesus in the temple. The aged Simeon told Our Lady, "Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted and you yourself a sword will pierce so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." (Like 2:35)

Interestingly, in 1482, the feast was officially placed in the Roman Missal under the title of Our Lady of Compassion, highlighting the great love our Blessed Mother displayed in suffering with her Son. The word compassion derives from the Latin roots cum and patior which means to suffer with. Our Blessed Mother's sorrow exceeded anyone else's since she was the mother of Jesus, who was not only her Son but also her Lord and Savior; she truly suffered with her Son. (source)
The Seven Sorrows:
1. The prophecy of Simeon
2. The flight into Egypt
3. The loss of the Child Jesus in the temple
4. The meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Via Dolorosa
5. The Crucifixion
6. The Body of Jesus is removed from the Cross
7. The Burial of Jesus
Ideas to observe this feast:
1. Pray the Seven Sorrow Devotion with your family. Try this site for a good model prayer: The Seven Sorrow Devotion.
2. Do acts of kindness and compassion as a family, such as taking a meal to an elderly neighbor, raking leaves for your parish, volunteering your time at a soup kitchen, making a special donation to charity in honor of Our Lady, or taking non-perishable food items to the local food pantry. The corporal works of mercy are a lovely way to honor Our Lady's suffering.
3. Seven Sorrow Family Activity via Catholic All Year! Basically, you read each of the seven sorrows and eat one super sour candy after each Scripture reading, trying not to make a super sour face! We pray one Hail Mary after each Scripture reading.
